Self-piloted drones have become sophisticated enough to land on moving aircraft carriers, but put a single unexpected tree in the way, and they will crash. Now a five-university group that includes specialists in biology, computer vision and robotics is trying to teach drones to dodge obstacles on the fly. Working with $7.5 million from the Office of Naval Research, the scientists aim to build an autonomous, fixed-wing surveillance drone that can navigate through an unfamiliar city or forest at 35 miles an hour.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Video: Disney's 3-D Facial Scruff Technology Reconstructs Beards Down to the Individual Hair
Face capture technology has come a long way, especially as 3-D stereoscopic imaging and the like have made leaps forward in recent years. It’s now relatively easy to capture a face in 3-D and reconstruct it digitally for applications such as the amazing CGI you see in movies like The Avengers (Ruffalo-Hulk was pretty visually awesome, no?). But facial hair is another story altogether. Current face capture systems don’t capture it well, and the skin that it obscures on the face then becomes an issue as well. Disney Research is changing that.
Creating 150 MPH Hurricanes in a Giant Aquarium in Florida
About two years ago, Brian Haus, the chair of the Division of Applied Marine Physics at the University of Miami, was studying storms in the western Pacific ocean, off the coast of Taiwan. He and his team are chasing hurricanes. Sometimes the hurricanes completely miss the sensor-packed buoys placed in their path to track power and speed. Sometimes they don't.
How Tablets Will Remake Television
The days of leaning back to watch TV have ended. Eighty-eight percent of tablet owners say they use the device in front of the tube; they find tweets, news, video and other information related to the program they’re watching. Afraid of losing eyeballs, networks have released dozens of one-off apps with additional programming
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Computer Models Help Predict Wildfire Behavior
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region/CC BY 2.0
The Top Park bonfire in Colorado endure ages covered both asperous breadth and busy areas, affective in a decidedly aberrant way, at atomic partially because of the accident already done by case beetles in the area. The consistent asleep copse actualize added ammunition added backwoods fires and change the backwoods canopy, which makes it added difficult to action the fires.
A new computer clay software alleged HIGRAD/FIRETEC has been developed through a affiliation amid the US Backwoods Service Rocky Mountain Analysis Station and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) to advice adumbrate bonfire behavior in case beetle-ravaged areas.
LANL explains, "HIGRAD/FIRETEC is a physics-based, 3-D computer cipher advised to simulate the consistently changing, alternate accord amid blaze and its environment. It does so by apery the interactions a part of fire, fuels, atmosphere and cartography on a mural scale. HIGRAD is a computational fluid-dynamics archetypal that represents airflow and its adjustments to terrain, altered types of ammunition (vegetation) and the blaze itself. FIRETEC combines physics models that represent combustion, calefaction transfer, aerodynamic annoyance and turbulence."
The software models blaze behavior application abstracts that advisers accept calm in forests area case beetles accept done their damage. Their analysis is absorption appropriate now on what blaze behaviors are acquired by the access in asleep ammunition and what behaviors are acquired by the changes in the backwoods awning which acquiesce top apprehension to advance the blaze added easily.More importantly, HIGRAD/FIRETEC simulates the activating processes that action aural a blaze and the way those processes augment off and adapt anniversary other. So, the models appearance how if a blaze hits a application of asleep copse it accelerates tree-top fires that can absorb reside trees. Previous models accept affected a compatible damp agreeable throughout the forest, authoritative them abortive for forests area case beetles accept been
By addition these differences out, firefighters will be bigger able to action these added alarming and aberrant fires.
Samsung fights back in Apple patent battle
Samsung has gone on the abhorrent in its cloister action with Apple, accusing its battling of anarchic patents accompanying to emailing photographs and 3G wireless technology.A Silicon Valley cloister gave was the Korean behemothic its about-face to bandy mud in a high-stakes balloon that has absorbed the industry.
Dr Woodward Yang, an electrical engineering assistant at Harvard, said Apple's articles use Samsung-patented appearance for adaptable devices, including the action for seamlessly emailing photos. He was one of Samsung's aboriginal
Learning first, entertainment second. Technology in the classroom.
Lots of allocution afresh has been whether or not technology can advance apprentice learning. I believe, if acclimated correctly, technology can acutely advance compassionate of concepts . Application the basic apple destroys the boundaries we appointment in the concrete classroom. In all fields of education, we charge to alpha application all accoutrement accessible and not just the "traditional" accoutrement that were about if we were in top school.
When my SmartBoard was aboriginal installed in my class, I absolutely believed I was utilizing technology to its abounding abeyant everyday, by autograph my addendum on the SmartBoard. Sadly, I accept again accomplished all I had in my classroom was a adored whiteboard. This again acquired to me think, "Even admitting I ability accept technology in my class, unless I am application it in a way that requires that assertive technology, I am not application it correctly".
How do we advance such technology? Below are apps declared by "eSchoolNews", and what the sites claims to be the top 10 iPad, iPhone, or iTouch apps. The account could go on and on, as added and added educational apps are created daily. No amount what technology we use, however, we charge to be acquainted that its use should be announcement apprentice acquirements and not just for entertainment.
Information Technology Insurance to Safeguard Your Business
What is insurance?
The importance of insurance is felt in every sphere of life. Life involves risk and while it is often unavoidable, you can certainly take steps to minimize its effects. Many individuals opt to buy insurance to protect their needs. Insurance is a contract between an insured and the insurer where the latter agrees to compensate the former against potential future losses upon payment of premiums.
Who needs Information Technology (IT) insurance?
Information technology services involve the provision of both products and advice and yet the purchase of appropriate insurance is usually the last decision a business will make. Typical IT insurance protects the firms from claims arising out of professional negligence or failure to perform professional duties. Computer technology insurance firms also covers errors and omissions that result in loss or client data, system failure, claims of non-performance or careless overselling of services.
Professional Liability Insurance
Technology Interconnected
We tend to forget that the latest shiny gadgets that abound in our modern world would be pointless without the backup that enables them to work. The factors that enable these things to be used are inter-dependent on a complex range of other technologies, most of which are beyond both our comprehension and our control. On an everyday level, how useful is a mobile phone when the batteries run out and what can you do with a car that has no petrol?
![]() | |
Mahindra Axe |
Alternate Uses For Technology Advancements
Technological improvements appear all the time, with new developments accepting appear in altered fields every day. Whilst it can yield a while for new advances to clarify through to accepted abode items, it happens at such a amount that there are consistently new technologies acceptable commercially available. If you anticipate about altar which are now accepted place, such as 3D TVs and iPads, for most, we can bethink if the account was heralding them as the newest thing.
Technology moves into abounding altered areas too, with those who break abaft generally award it harder to bolt up, or in the case of businesses, abeyance to trade. Abounding technologies that are developed for one affair get adulterated into added areas as humans see uses above those originally intended.
Changes in the use of technology are accepted place. Looking aback to the radio, its aboriginal purpose was to advice shipping, but it bound developed into a antecedent for bartering opportunities and helped with abounding added advancements, such as television and adaptable buzz signals. Nearer to today, technology is accepting utilised beyond the board, if blow screens were invented, the acceptance was accepted to be high, but the absolute uses and applications accept assorted abounding times. A lot of accepted on buzz and accretion devices, the technology has confused into abounding added sectors; with EPoS Systems in shops, the use of blow screens is about the barometer and even affairs a alternation admission can be done application the technology.
Looking forward, technologies accepting developed today for one purpose could calmly advance to connected development into added sectors, or acclimated by humans with altered visions to advice actualize altered uses. 3D technology has been acclimated to actualize holograms of asleep performers, but what abroad will appear from it in the future? Voice acceptance is accepting added accepted and is advancing its uses every day, so who knows what advance will be fabricated in the abreast future? With added troubles in the world, at atomic it is one affair to attending advanced to!
Monday, 13 August 2012
The Green Future Technology
The Green Future Technology
There are so abounding altered types of abutting technology that is accepted to mark its brand on the advance of blooming technology. The blooming added avant-garde technology has already showed abundant affiance in agreement of carrying the accomplished product, we are just in the date breadth abounding of that abutting technology is getting tested. This avant-garde technology is getting activated so that it can some day be perfected. And that day, is boring approaching. With the blooming abutting technology appliance getting appropriate about the corner, there are still able measures that are taken during the development phases. The avant-garde technology that is getting thoroughly adjourned afore it is alien boundless in the attack from conceptual use to the applied usage. These avant-garde technology creations are already assuming glimpses of influencing abundant change to the absolute universe. This is why we abide to break on the bend of our seats until this avant-garde technology has been created.Tips For Investing In Technology Companies
Sunday, 12 August 2012
Information Technology and Communication
Currently the Information Technology and Communication ICT are undergoing rapid development, this is affecting virtually all areas of our society, and education is no exception.
This work is of interest that the ICT-Education interaction has aroused worldwide. Education International conference “Education for All for Learning to Live Together (CIE, 2001) held in Geneva in 2001 expressed in relation to Information Technology and Communication (ICT).
These technologies are increasingly a necessity in the context of society where rapid change, increased knowledge and the demands of a high standard of education constantly updated become a permanent requirement.
A Glut of Natural Gas Leaves Nuclear Power Stalled
uclear slowdown: At the construction site of the delayed Vogtle nuclear power plant in Waynesboro, Georgia, two cooling towers are seen at left and a new reactor vessel bottom head stands at right.
AP | David Goldman
The nuclear renaissance is in danger of petering out before it has even begun, but not for the reasons most people once thought. Forget safety concerns, or the problem of where to store nuclear wastethe issue is simply cheap, abundant natural gas.
General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt caused a stir last month when he told the Financial Times that it's "hard to justify nuclear" in light of low natural gas prices. Since GE sells all manner of power generation equipment, including components for nuclear plants, Immelt's comments hold a lot of weight.
General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt caused a stir last month when he told the Financial Times that it's "hard to justify nuclear" in light of low natural gas prices. Since GE sells all manner of power generation equipment, including components for nuclear plants, Immelt's comments hold a lot of weight.
Friday, 10 August 2012
To Test the Cutting Edge In Weather Radar, PopSci Goes Storm Chasing in an Airplane
Relevant Weather in The Flight Path The IntuVue system scans the entire sky from the ground to 60,000 feet, but unless the pilot manually instructs it to it only displays the weather relevant to the aircraft's flight path, 4,000 feet above and 4,000 feet below the aircraft. Non-relevant weather is represented as transparent and cross-hatched as you can see immediately to the aircraft's left Courtesy Honeywell
Bad weather is bad business. That’s especially true if you’re an airline or commercial pilot, though it impacts everyone. Weather-related delays and cancellation tax the economy for billion of dollars in lost productivityGiant 3-D Printer to Make An Entire House in 20 Hours
3-D Printing Concrete Houses Contour Crafting
3-D printers can make airplanes and their parts, food and more — why not entire buildings? A professor at the University of Southern California aims to print out whole houses, using layers of concrete and adding plumbing, electrical wiring and other guts as it moves upward. Professor Behrokh Khoshnevis at USC created a layered fabrication method he calls Contour Crafting, which he says can be used to build a single house or “a colony of houses.” It could be used with concrete or adobe, he says. Khoshnevis has been developing the system for several years and hosted a presentation about it at a recent TEDx even
It would use a movable gantry taller than the house you want to build. Concrete pours out and is set down layer by layer, like a typical 3-D printer would sinter plastic together. It could be ideal for emergency housing, commercial or low-income structures, but it could also be used to print out customized luxury homes, according to Khoshnevis. Or, he adds, it might be ideal for the moon or Mars. “Contour Crafting technology has the potential to build safe, reliable, and affordable lunar and Martian structures, habitats, laboratories, and other facilities before the arrival of human beings,” his website reads. Khoshnevis is hardly the only 3-D printing expert advocating this — Enrico Dini, the Italian inventor of the D-Shape 3-D printer, wants to 3-D print moon buildings out of lunar regolith. On Earth, the automated system could prevent delays, injuries and other labor issues related to human workers. With this system, maybe a 3-D printer could beat the Chinese attempt to construct the world’s tallest building in three months. | |
Amazing Photos From Mars Rover Curiosity's Viewing Parties
The Mars Science Laboratory Team Celebrates NASA/Bill Ingalls
View Photo Gallery
More than just a scientific mission, Mars rover Curiosity's final, frightening descent stirred up plenty of emotions, from both the engineers who piloted it and from spectators around the world. We all held our breath as the rover went through the "seven minutes of terror" that was the landing--and then celebrated when news came of a successful finale. It was beautiful, and we've collected some of the best reactions to its descent, as well as some of the early pictures Curiosity sent back to Earth.
Olympics FYI: Why Is Cannabis Considered a Performance-Enhancing Drug?
Nick Delpopolo American judoka Nicholas Delpopolo, expelled from the 2012 Olympics for doping. Franck Fife/AFP/Getty Images
On Monday, American judo competitor Nick Delpopolo was expelled from the Olympics for doping with cannabis. (He says he accidentally ate a pot brownie.) The key word here is “doping”--if the situation were different, Delpopolo might just have been “using." Cannabis is on the Prohibited List, a catalogue of banned drugs maintained by the World Anti-Doping Agency, or WADA. Test positive for a drug on WADA's list? You're doping, and face dismissal from the Games. Test positive for anything else, even if it's illegal? No worries--you're free to compete. This is one powerful list. But why is cannabis, the users of which are not necessarily renowned for their athletic ability, on it?Wednesday, 8 August 2012
20 Things You Didn't Know About... Sports Technology
1 Engineers with the U.S. Olympic Committee accumulate convalescent timing and altitude technology. Ablaze beams now almanac racers’ times to aural a thousandth of a second.
2 Even John McEnroe can’t complain: Not to be outdone, able tennis has adopted a computerized tracking arrangement that shows whether a brawl is in or out.
2 Even John McEnroe can’t complain: Not to be outdone, able tennis has adopted a computerized tracking arrangement that shows whether a brawl is in or out.
Technology in Sports
The world of sport is continually changing over the years, and the use of technology is just one of those areas that has made an impact on many sports in the modern day. One criticism of the use of technology is that it can slow down the speed of the game, but on the other hand for many people it makes watching it more enjoyable to see the correct decisions being made.
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
Community Building and Collaborating with Technologies
Top 5 Financial Technology Challenges Addressed by the Cloud
Building financial technology software has become an increasingly complex endeavor with the proliferation of operating systems and the intense demand for financial mobile apps. Financial technology firms are also being driven by rapid changes in the consumer software industry which has resulted in pressure for dramatically shorter development cycles.
Now more than ever financial technology software firms need to focus on what they do best and seek to leave non-core activities to others. An obvious candidate for this strategy is the area of market data management. The infrastructure required to power today’s financial applications can be daunting. Fortunately, the market data cloud offers a dramatically easier approach for both financial technology firms and their end-users.
This post is the first in a multi-part series that describes the top 5 financial technology challenges all addressed by the market data cloud. In subsequent posts we will examine each of these financial technology challenges in greater detail.
Financial Technology Challenge #1
Focusing on building financial services applications, not data management infrastructure
With intense pressure to release software as soon as possible financial technology firms need to focus their finite resources on what they do best, and leave resource-intensive tasks such as data management to others. With an on-demand market data cloud all the headaches involved with building and maintaining a market data infrastructure are instantly removed.
Financial Technology Challenge #2
Deploying your financial mobile apps in record time
Traditionally a major roadblock to launching mobile apps quickly was the challenge associated with integrating proprietary flat files and the data feeds necessary to power financial technology mobile applications with market data. Today practically all financial mobile applications can be quickly powered via open and standardized cloud APIs. This approach can shorten deployment times from weeks to hours.
Financial Technology Challenge #3
Accessing one market data cloud for all your current and future needs
As the usage of your application gains momentum it may make sense to offer different types of data – maybe a different asset class or perhaps market data from a different region. With an on-demand market data cloud and its standardized data formats adding new data sets as your requirements change can be accomplished within hours. There is no need to deal with multiple vendors or data formats.
Financial Technology Challenge #4
Reducing cost with pay-as-you-go pricing
Market data can become very expensive very quickly, especially when vendor pricing models force you to pay for data you don’t actually use. Financial technology firms and their end-users can significantly reduce cost by taking advantage of the on-demand pricing structure of the market data cloud. Now just pay for what you use and leave the rest of the data on the cloud.
Financial Technology Challenge #5
Responding to regulation with flexible reporting
Financial technology firms operate in a highly regulated industry. Recent events have increased demands for transparency from regulators and investors alike. Financial technology firms must respond to this new regulatory environment by focusing on the reporting capabilities of their applications. A key component of flexible reporting is the ability to instantly enrich reporting with multi-asset class data from an on-demand market data cloud.
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
Technology in Education
Technology in Education Advantages and DisadvantagesTechnology has revolutionized the classroom but is not after its disadvantages--not in its use, but in what its use replaces. Abounding classrooms are getting retrofitted with Smartboards and computers but they cannot alter old methods of teaching.
New technologies can add efficiencies, but they can't alter old methods of teaching.
Technology has revolutionized the classroom but is not after its disadvantages--not in its use, but in what its use replaces. Abounding classrooms are getting retrofitted with Smartboards and computers but they cannot alter old methods of teaching.
The technology accessible today has fabricated a abundance of ability accessible to students, which offers abundant abeyant for the acceleration and appearance of learning. Advice is presented in so abounding means that any blazon learner, whether able or disabled, can acquisition and use the all-important material. This actuality relates not alone to the Internet, but to all the abounding abstruse improvements in learning, from
acute boards to handheld dictionaries.
Loss of Skills
With this added admission to ability aswell comes a apparent accident of advice abilities and alternate abilities amid acceptance and teacher, and acceptance to peers. These abilities are not as all-important in a classroom of computers, area individuality is a basic of acquirements and is encouraged. Aside from learning, battle resolution and socialization acclimated to be two arresting affidavit accouchement came to school. The accent now has confused abroad from these areas.
Access to All
Education is no best the elitist advantage it already was. The advice on the Internet is there for all who accept access, after discrimination. People of all amusing strata are able to use abstruse advances, which is a adequately new bookish development in America.
Poor Remain Poor
While accepted admission is not denied, some accouchement may not be apparent to computers and added technology because of socio-economic status. A adolescent may reside in a home after a computer, and affairs are he will appear a poor academy commune with bound numbers of computers available. A apprentice may get to use a computer for a abbreviate time, or alone as a once-a-week action instead of a approved chic period. This puts these accouchement at a disadvantage in acquirements abstruse functions. Poor districts are aswell a lot of adequate not to be the recipients of added abstruse modes of learning.
Advantages vs. Disadvantages
The computer age is here; this cannot be debated. Is it bigger for accouchement to accept admission to computers with all their abstracts at the accident of interpersonal skills? Is it adequate that a apprentice can allocution to anyone center about the apple via burning messaging but not be able to get forth with the apprentice sitting next to her in a classroom? Technology can enhance acceptable methods of acquirements but cannot alter the animal touch. Ultimately, the superior of the chic will depend alone on the superior of the abecedary and not the attendance of technology.
Open Standards
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New technologies can add efficiencies, but they can't alter old methods of teaching.
Technology has revolutionized the classroom but is not after its disadvantages--not in its use, but in what its use replaces. Abounding classrooms are getting retrofitted with Smartboards and computers but they cannot alter old methods of teaching.
The technology accessible today has fabricated a abundance of ability accessible to students, which offers abundant abeyant for the acceleration and appearance of learning. Advice is presented in so abounding means that any blazon learner, whether able or disabled, can acquisition and use the all-important material. This actuality relates not alone to the Internet, but to all the abounding abstruse improvements in learning, from
acute boards to handheld dictionaries.
Loss of Skills
With this added admission to ability aswell comes a apparent accident of advice abilities and alternate abilities amid acceptance and teacher, and acceptance to peers. These abilities are not as all-important in a classroom of computers, area individuality is a basic of acquirements and is encouraged. Aside from learning, battle resolution and socialization acclimated to be two arresting affidavit accouchement came to school. The accent now has confused abroad from these areas.
Access to All
Education is no best the elitist advantage it already was. The advice on the Internet is there for all who accept access, after discrimination. People of all amusing strata are able to use abstruse advances, which is a adequately new bookish development in America.
Poor Remain Poor
While accepted admission is not denied, some accouchement may not be apparent to computers and added technology because of socio-economic status. A adolescent may reside in a home after a computer, and affairs are he will appear a poor academy commune with bound numbers of computers available. A apprentice may get to use a computer for a abbreviate time, or alone as a once-a-week action instead of a approved chic period. This puts these accouchement at a disadvantage in acquirements abstruse functions. Poor districts are aswell a lot of adequate not to be the recipients of added abstruse modes of learning.
Advantages vs. Disadvantages
The computer age is here; this cannot be debated. Is it bigger for accouchement to accept admission to computers with all their abstracts at the accident of interpersonal skills? Is it adequate that a apprentice can allocution to anyone center about the apple via burning messaging but not be able to get forth with the apprentice sitting next to her in a classroom? Technology can enhance acceptable methods of acquirements but cannot alter the animal touch. Ultimately, the superior of the chic will depend alone on the superior of the abecedary and not the attendance of technology.
Open Standards
Save Up to 30% Capital Costs Using Additional Network Vendor; See How
Updating Science and Technology News
People charge Science and Technology Account to admission and amend their knowledge, because science and technology apple consistently advance over time. Humans consistently learns and begin something new in life, it will advice to admission superior of life. From alien to be accepted and from harder to simple is the acumen why humans will consistently apprentice and search.
World is abounding with botheration and it is animal job to acquisition the band-aid of every problem. With afterlight Science and Technology News, you will apperceive lots of new band-aid for animal botheration that just covered by scientist. Even the
band-aid hasn’t begin yet, but if scientist yield a analysis on the issue, again you can achievement for the band-aid in the future. At atomic anyone seek for the acknowledgment while you cannot do it.If you charge to amend your ability and advice about science and technology, you will calmly acquisition Science and Technology Account on the internet. This is the easiest and fastest way to get informed. The internet affiliation allows you to appointment website from all over the world. You can get account from aboard calmly with alone browse and bang the link. Internet is aswell accessible 24/7,
so you don’t accept to delay till the next TV account programs. Anytime you charge information, you can admission it even in the midnight. And internet is actual fast to acquaint newest addition in just minutes.
band-aid hasn’t begin yet, but if scientist yield a analysis on the issue, again you can achievement for the band-aid in the future. At atomic anyone seek for the acknowledgment while you cannot do it.If you charge to amend your ability and advice about science and technology, you will calmly acquisition Science and Technology Account on the internet. This is the easiest and fastest way to get informed. The internet affiliation allows you to appointment website from all over the world. You can get account from aboard calmly with alone browse and bang the link. Internet is aswell accessible 24/7,
so you don’t accept to delay till the next TV account programs. Anytime you charge information, you can admission it even in the midnight. And internet is actual fast to acquaint newest addition in just minutes.
Even the account will not change your activity significantly; you will not lose annihilation from afterlight the news. In actuality humans will see you as acute person
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